Tricia Kaelin, CPA Chief Financial Officer, Chief Technology Officer Principal Advisor - Restructuring & Turnarounds
Tricia is a Certified Public Accountant and has a proven track record as an effective Chief Financial Officer with more than 25 years of experience in finance and operations leadership. She has comes with over a decade of experience with cannabis companies. Tricia’s experience is vast, having worked with both startups and a company with over $1 billion in revenues, and everything in between.
While Tricia is an experienced and strong CFO, with all of the requisite expertise as a leader of financial management, strategic planning, financial reporting, operations, building teams, financial controls and processes, and delivering exceptional results, she is no “one-trick pony”. In addition to serving as a fractional CFO, Tricia has served as a fractional Chief Information (Technology) Officer for a number of companies, with expertise in SaaS, IT infrastructure, e-commerce, and ERP /CRM system integrations and implementations. Mergers & Acquisitions, Corporate Restructuring, Successful Turnarounds, Startups, Raising Capital, and Debt Financing are a few more of her specialties. Tricia has served as a Financial Advisor and Board Member for non-profit organizations and for-profit companies.
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